Professor Liza Grandia recognized by UCD Public Scholarship and Engagement 'Anthropological Ally'

Native American Studies Professor Liza Grandia was recently profiled by the UC Davis Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement for her continued and vital advocacy in Guatemala. Professor Grandia has a decades-long record of work in the region that started while she was an undergrad and has continued through her time at UC Davis as a professor. As stated by Professor Grandia, "The ultimate goal of what I would like to do is to return more scholarship written about the Q'eqchi' people back to communities for their own analysis. I've always seen my role as helping connect people, brining resources I could muster and then allowing Guatemalans to lead the efforts themselves. When you engage in this way, I think it enriches the scholarship."

To read the full story, please see the article here

Picture of four people, including Professor Grandia